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Journal cover art by Kristina Troske

What is the vulnerability journal project?


I'm sending out 20 blank journals, inviting people like you to explore vulnerability by claiming a page and creating something to share with others


It could be a drawing, poem, photo, slogan, collage, comic strip, map - whatever you feel inspired to make


To chronicle the journal's journey, please send me a photo of your page so I can post it below


Then you can pass the journal on to the next person, whether that's a friend, family member, or stranger - even someone who picks up the journal from the coffee shop counter where you left it


This is about community, creating a space to express something we feel on a blank page, and I hope you feel inspired to join in


(Please note, this idea was inspired by the 1000 Journals Project by Someguy, AKA Brian Singer, with much gratitude)


If you want to receive a blank journal so you can create the first entry and then pass it on, please let me know


And if you happen to be the last contributor, please email me to find out how to send it back

Coming soon

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